Tennis court photo updated every five minutes
YC Tennis Court Reservations
- Make court reservations
- Purchase passes
- Find and connect with local players
Court Closure Information
By phone or text. Opt-out at any time.
Renovations and Upgrades Include:
- Newly resurfaced 7-court tennis complex
- Post-tensioned concrete
- New lighting systems on timers
- Luxury landscaping
- Spectator seating
- Online reservations
Thanks to our Sponsors
We would like to acknowledge our following donors who contributed to the construction of the complex
- Terri Abady
- Ben Andre
- Anonymous Donors
- Robert Arbuckle
- Suzanne Attwood
- Karen Spear & David Babbitt
- Neil & Sherry Merino
- Pat Bath
- June Benson
- Blanche Berkowitz
- Judd & Belinda Bessey
- Robert & Patty Bessey
- Jean Blyth
- Eric Bourdon
- Temmy Bowler
- Marvin Bowman
- Barbara Briseno
- Diane Brock
- Carl & Marion Brown
- Stewart & Esther Brown
- Roger & Janice Brown
- Lindsay Buroker
- Irene Callaci
- Ronald & Shirley Campbell
- Charles & Margaret Carey
- Doris Carroll
- Alvin Carter Jr.
- James & Lynne Chamberlin
- Jeffrey Champ
- Margery Chase
- Mary Cobey
- Thomas & Kathleen Collins
- Dr. James & Elizabeth Cook
- Tommy & Judith Crimmins
- Mike & Laura Crimmins
- David & Norma Daehler
- Marc & Julie Darr
- Lorraine Del Re
- Bryan & Karen Elliott
- Catherine Englekirk
- John & Lavina Ewing
- Maurice & Terri Farneti
- Janet & Wolfgang Fischer
- Susan Drown
- Amy Foreste
- Pemila Fowler
- Patricia H. Fox
- Robin Fox
- Edward Free
- Jonathan & Amy Fung
- John & Linda Gage
- Michael & Martha Galbreath
- Ralph & Joyce Gardner
- Peter Genereaux
- Warren & Monna Goodman
- John & Keven Goodwin
- Betty Greer
- Wally & Judy Grewe
- Helene & Philip Gross
- MaryAnn Guerriero
- Ronald Hanson
- George & Glenda Harrell
- Janis Hasse
- Jeff Henderson
- Margaret T. Morris Foundation
- Prescott Import Car Service
- The Loomas Family Fund of the Pikes Peak Community Foundation
- Prescott Area Tennis Association
- USTA NAZ District
- Perry & Sandy Massie
- Fay Matsumoto
- Myrna McDonald
- Tim & Kristi McFarlan
- Dick & Vicki McGaw
- Cecilia McGuire
- Gary & Kathleen McLargin
- John & Rosemary Medina
- Joan & Wayne Melquist
- Natalie Fisher
- Richard & Louise Merring
- Andrea Meyer
- Gordon & Joyce Michel
- Robert & Cindy Miller
- Lorelee Miller
- Warren Miller
- Millie Ryan's Tennis Legacy
- Sidney & Edna Moglewer
- Enah Stone
- Orlo & June Jantz
- Randall Judd
- Thomas & Karen Julius
- David & Norma Justice
- Linda Ketchum
- James & Nancee Kilbourne
- Warren Kingsbury
- Sue Knaup
- Roger & Paula Kneisl
- John & Elizabeth Komorowski
- Susan Korte
- Chris Lacascio
- Don Langford
- Jill & Patrick Lavin
- Mickey White & Nancy Lefler
- Daniel & Robbin Lenardon
- Gerald & Susan Leonard
- Neal Levi
- Jim & Marie Love
- Anne Badger
- Frank & Catherine Marco
- Dr. Everett D. Hendricks
- Ron Samuelson & Sally Hess-Samuelson
- Bob Hodges
- Jeffrey Hoekstra
- Randy & Kristine Holt
- Debra Honeycutt
- John & Carol Houston
- Chris & Adriana Howard
- Wayne & Candace Howell
- Craig Hunter
- Billy & Mary Alice Hunter
- Rodney Hurlbert
- Nathan & Vicki Hussey
- James & Bridget Irish
- Robert Moore
- Charles & Isabelle Morrison
- Thomas & Gerri Mulvihill
- Cheryl Murrieta
- Elizabeth Murrieta
- Paul & Jean Nebel
- Thomas & Margaret Nelson
- Island Fitness Center
- Southwest Tennis Foundation
- A1 Property Management
- Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund
- European Auto Technicians LLC
- Nannette Oatley Johnson & Lewis Johnson
- John & Jayne O'Brien
- Gary Ohrn
- Martin Otting
- Warner & Barbara Owen
- Larry & Geneta Plaster
- Larry Plaster
- Charles & Patty Pollock
- Michael & Sharon Popowniak
- Peggy Poston
- Richard & Marcia Reinhart
- Charles & Ofelia Rhodes
- William & Kelly Robbiano
- Chesley Ross
- Michael & Sandy Rubin
- Doug Ruhland
- Thomas & Mary Ruloff
- Dr. Paul & Donna Sadick
- Daniel & Anita Salcito
- LInda & Joseph Sampson
- Marjut Schreiber
- Nancy Seaman
- R. Clayton Seaman Jr.
- Don & Billie Sedan
- Robert & Alice Sehnert
- Robert & Eileen Shull
- Jeffrey Sikes
- Roseann Sisco
- Wendalyn Smith & Roger Douglas
- Donald Snyder
- Joseph Soldwedel
- Chuck & Heidi Sorensen
- Whitey & Nicole Sorenson
- Karen Spear & David Babbit
- Jean Sperry
- Harry Mark St. John III
- Robert Steele
- G & L Steiner
- Audrey Mae
- Loretta Struver
- Thomas & Kaye Sullivan
- "Bill Swahlen, III"
- Dawn Teal
- Anita Thomas
- Gene & Toni Tomek
- Hunter Townsend
- David & Sylvia Tucker
- Anne A. Twente
- Ardith Urban
- John & Brynna Valenzuela
- Gail Wagner
- Marshal Waller & Arlene Treiber
- Arlene Warren
- Lucinda Wead
- Susy & Bob Whann
- Dana Wingate
- James Winge
- Richard & Loretta Wright
- Elizabeth York
- Dolores Yox
- John & Larua Zambrano
- Allison Wood
- Anna L. Davis

Tennis Complex Use Etiquette
- Courtesy to all players and proper use of the facility is appreciated
- Courts are designed for only tennis related activities
- Appropriate footwear is required (non-marking soles)
- Prior online reservations are encouraged. Court availability will be posted online and at the courts
(Yavapai College classes and activities will take priority) - Allow time to conclude your game and depart the court on schedule
- Yavapai College reserves the right to close courts due to safety concerns, inclement weather, maintenance and/or repairs, and scheduled events (check reservation sheet and video camera)
- We love our pets, but they are not allowed on the tennis courts
Yavapai College Tennis Complex Snow Clearing Procedure
The Yavapai College Facilities Management Team has the sole responsibility for maintaining the complex and makes every effort to keep the courts open and ready for play.
Only the YC Facilities Team is permitted to perform any maintenance, repair, snow or ice removal on the courts. You can sign up for campus alerts to to be notified when the tennis courts are closed due to weather by clicking here
Tennis Pass Information
Pass holders can make daily court reservations for free!*
Pass Type | Price |
Monthly | $25 |
6-Month | $150 |
1-Year | $250 |
Click here to order a pass!
Drop-In Program
Morning Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8AM - 10AM June 4th - August 29th.
Sign up here.
Evening Sessions: Wednesdays 5PM to 7PM June 4th - August 28th.
Sign up here.
Levels: 2.5 - 4.0 (Advanced beginners to solid intermediates)
Deadline to register for each day: 7PM the night before (or until all 15 spots have been filled)